August 2 - 9, 2025

Supervisor - TBD

1.      Exhibit is open to all ages.

2.      One setting per exhibitor.

3.      Each exhibitor will be limited to approximately 32" (width) cover space and full depth of banquet type table, allowing for one place setting per exhibit.

4.      Exhibitor must furnish all table setting supplies.

5.      Set-up time will be from 8:00 a.m. - 8:30 a.m., Thursday, August 8, 2024.

6.      Pickup time will Monday, August 12, between 5:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.

Table setting categories are:

·         Formal - china, crystal, silver, etc.

·         In-Formal - pottery, glass (colored or clear) etc.

·         Casual - metal, plastic, paper, etc.

7.      Exhibitor is to submit a small card stating theme of the exhibit or occasion for which it is being planned.

8.      Judging criteria: Functional aspect (Can one actually sit down and eat as set up), correctness of setting, color coordination, creativity, design compatibility, eye appeal, originality.

9.      Awards: All exhibits will be awarded a ribbon. Youth and adult entries will be considered separately. A judge’s choice ribbon will be awarded in both the youth and adult divisions. A sweepstakes plate will be chosen in both the youth and adult categories. A People's choice ribbon will be awarded.  

10. Please note proper setting diagrams below.





Premium's from all exhibits awarded shall not exceed the amount of $35 per person (Excluding Jr. Livestock Show)

 Although every effort will be made to protect the exhibits, the Summit County Fair Board assumes no responsibility for loss or damage.